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A transform defines an object's position within your scene and comprises three key components:

  1. Position: This refers to where an object is located within the scene. The coordinates displayed in the Inspector pertain to the object's local coordinates.

  2. Scale: Scale indicates the object's size relative to its original dimensions (usually represented as 1, 1, 1).

  3. Rotation: Rotation represents the object's angular orientation compared to its default position (typically represented as 0, 0, 0).

The values you see in the Node Properties correspond to the object's local properties. When an object is nested under another object (parented), it inherits any changes in scale, position, or rotation from the parent object. However, the object's local transform values remain unchanged.

Local Coordinate System

The local coordinate system calculates coordinates based on the origin point of the parent object. This differs from the global coordinate system, which impacts all objects uniformly.

Global Coordinate System

The global coordinate system serves as the primary reference system for the entire scene. It establishes the position, rotation, and scale of all objects in relation to one another. Each object also has its own local coordinate system, which is distinct from the global system.

Global coordinates are not visible in the Node Properties and are only accessible via Scripting.

Editing Local Transforms

You can manually modify an object's local transforms in the Node Properties or by using Gizmos within the Editor Panel. However, if an object's transform values are controlled by Components or Scripts, they may not be available for manual adjustment.