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Prepackaged shaders

DeepAR Studio offers a number of shaders that come bundled with the Studio, making it easier to achieve stunning AR visuals without needing to write complex shader code yourself. They are ready-made shader resources that enhance the visual quality of your effects.

You can use prepackaged shaders by selecting them in the “Shader” property of a material.


Prepackaged shader types

Unlit Shaders - shaders without any lighting

  • Unlit Texture: only render texture without any lighting
  • Unlit Texture Alpha: render texture multiplied by color without any lighting, using the alpha value from the Alpha texture
  • Unlit Texture Alpha (Advanced)
  • Unlit Texture Color
  • Unlit Texture Color Cut-Off
  • Standard
  • Standard Diffuse
  • Standard Full
  • PBR: an advanced shading technique that utilizes physically based rendering and image-based lighting
  • PBR Compact
  • PBR glTF: an advanced shading technique that utilizes physically based rendering based on the glTF standard specification
  • MatCap: Uses material capture textures that contain lighting and reflections information. The MatCap shader requires a spherical image as a source.
  • MatCap Normal: The MatCap shader with the normal map.
  • MatCap Normal Texture
  • MatCap Camera Multiply
  • Beauty: Shader that applies adaptive smoothing on the material. Usually used on the face to accomplish the soft skin/beauty effect.
  • LUT
  • Camera Multiply

Shader Uniforms


RGB color of an object.

Diffuse Texture

Defines the surface color and reflectivity properties of a 3D object.

Alpha Texture

A greyscale image used to control the transparency or opacity or corresponding pixels in another image.

Alpha Threshold

The threshold value is used to control which fragments are discarded and which are not.

Diffuse Color

Color of a surface when it is illuminated with uniform, non-directional light.

Specular Color

The color of specular highlights on a 3D object’s surface.

Ambient Color

Color that is used to simulate indirect or global illumination in a scene.

Directional Light Position:

Directional light is a type of light source that is often considered to be located infinitely far away and emits light in a parallel manner. Light position is a vector defining the direction of light rays.

Directional Light Color

The color of the emitted directional light.

Point Light Position

Point light position is a 3D vector that specifies the exact position of a point light source.

Point Light Color

The color of the emitted point light.

Point Light Intensity

It defines the brightness or luminance of a point light source in a 3D scene.

Normal Map

The texture is used to simulate complex surface details and enhance the visual realism of 3D objects.

Albedo Map

Defines the base color of an object’s surface. The albedo map is usually associated with the physically based rendering and realistic lighting models.

Metalness Map

The type of texture used in PBR shader which defines which parts of a 3D object’s surface are metallic and which are non-metallic (dielectric). The map controls the reflection properties of a material.

Roughness Map

The type of texture used in PBR shader controls the smoothness or roughness of a 3D object’s surface. The map specified which areas of the material are smooth and reflective and which are rough and diffusive.

Ambient Occlusion Map

The texture map is used to simulate the ambient occlusion effect.

Environment Map

Environment map is a special type of texture map used to simulate the appearance of the surrounding environment and its reflection on the surfaces of 3D objects.

Metalness Multiplier

The Metalness multiplier (or factor) is a parameter in the PBR shader that controls the degree of metallicity or reflectivity of a material.

Roughness Multiplier

The roughness multiplier (or factor) is a parameter used in the PBR shader that controls the roughness or smoothness of a material’s surface.

Ambient Occlusion Power

Controls the strength or influence of the ambient occlusion effect applied to a scene or an object.

Transmissive Map

The texture map used to control the transparency or translucency of materials.

Transmissive Factor

The transmissive factor (or transmittance factor) is a parameter that controls the degree of translucency or transparency of a material.

Emissive Color

Refers to the color of light that an object emits rather than reflects.

Emissive Map

The texture that controls the emissive color of an object.

LUT Texture

The LUT (Look-Up Table) texture, also known as a color correction texture is a type of texture used for color manipulation, correction, and enhancement.

LUT Amount

The parameter that controls the amount of LUT applied to the material.